CRM - Customer Relationship Management

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

In the 30 years of time between the end of 20th century and the beginnng of the 21st century, there has been a great change in both Turkey and the world. This change has radically affected our understanding of the 300 yearlong industrial society. On one hand the globalizing world, and on the other hand the internet that has come into our lives in almost one night and other technological devices, have affected our lives like never before. These changing market dynamics have created the concept of “Customer Relationship Management”.
What is the concept of Customer Relations Mangement? What is it used for? We can sum up the answers to these questions as follows.
Making a Difference
The most important advantage in the markets is to make a difference. The firms that make a difference in their products, in the way they conduct their work, and in their services, compared to their competitors, outshine in a short time. However, the power that comes from production and design can be easily imitated by means of technology and thus making a difference becomes inadequate. Today, it is possible to say that the basic qualities in many product groups are the same for every brand. Likewise, even the constantly developing sales and marketing techniques are being imitated in a short time due to the increasing communication opportunities, and they fail to make a difference.

Consequently, consumer relations management comes forward as one of the basic ways of making a difference according to the customer demands and behavior.
Loyal Customer

Lasting relationships with the customers, their loyalty and their increasing tendency to purchase, are the assets that will protect the companies even in the most severe competition conditions.
When fronted with the surging marketing conditions, crisis expectations and the existance of a randomly roaming customer candidate; the protection of an average sales level requires keeping a certain amount of customers.
Customer acquisition and retention are serious responsibilities for companies that need to sell more each day, and that are engaged in a cutthroat competition. Besides, customer retention is easier and cheaper than customer acquisition. Researches show that the cost of customer acquisition is six times greater than customer retention.
Customer satisfaction is the fundamental factor of customer loyalty. The benefits of satisfied customers are as follows:

  • Satisfied customers contribute to the company’s image by expressing their positive thoughts about the product or company to others. In many markets, recommendation and customer comments are the most important ways to win new business. Usually, personal recommendations are much more persuasive than commercials and other paid ways of communication.
  • Customers prefer companies that they are content about new product and support based on their previous experiences.
  • Satisfied customers are less susceptible to the products of competitor firms.
  • The better the customers know the company, the less costs serving to them. The time spent for problem solution becomes less, as both sides know each other.
Considering all these, it is obvious that new strategies are needed for current customers.
Changing Customer Profile
Until the end of the last decade, customers were considered as a whole consisting of certain target markets. Companies tried to reach more customers by selling high quality and low-cost products. The use of internet, which has increased considerably from the beginning of 1990, has increased customer awareness like never before. As individualism started to stand out, customers started showing more interest in products that were designed and made just for them. As a result of the changing conditions, companies understood that the precondition of existing in the market is to hear out the consumers and understand their needs.
Employee Attendance

Employee replacement is one of the biggest problems for companies. In many companies, customer details are filed and archived, however, relations with the customer cannot be continued if the employee goes on leave or quits the job. The main reason of this situation is that the information stored in the mind, computer, or documents of the employee cannot be reached. The best way to extract information from employees is to transfer the information to a centralized customer relations management system. This will improve the company’s corporate image, as well as increasing customer satisfaction.
Knowing the Customer and the Potential Customer

People are impressed by people who have similar thoughts and beliefs to themselves, even though they don’t easily accept it. It has been proven many times that a seller who is wearing a tie in colors of the customer’s favorite sports team has a superior cogency than a seller wearing a tie in colors of the rival sports team. The best way to transfer customer details from person to person is, again, a customer relationship management system.
Campus – Customer Relationship Management

Campus is an integrated corporate management system that consists of many products. Campus Customer Relationship Management consists of the following parts.
  • Accounts and Contacts
  • Meeting Notes
  • e-mail and SMS
  • Diary
  • Visitors
  • Surveys and Examinations